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Tanya As Divided for a Leap Year Tanya for 6 Nissan
* NOTE[In the following note the Alter Rebbe states that the revelation of Divine Will in a particular World, caused by the ascent of Torah and mitzvot thereto - a revelation which he describes as "an hour of `(Divine) Will,' or `(Divine) Favor'" - produces a reaction in the middot of that World: With the revelation of Divine Will the middot fuse, and the attributes of Severity are "sweetened", or tempered, with Kindness. This in turn results in an increased flow of Divine Kindness into our world.
This effect of the mitzvot is felt primarily in the fusion of the middot of Atzilut.
There in the higher Worlds], there also shines forth and is revealed the Supernal union effected by every mitzvah and by Torah study, namely, the union of G-d's middot.
These middot fuse with each other, and the Gevurot (the attributes of "Severity") are "sweetened" by Chassadim (the attributes of "Kindness") through the `Hour of Will (favor), of the blessed Ein Sof," [i.e., the revelation of the Will of the Ein Sof], which shines forth and reveals itself in abundant and intense revelation, by reason of the "arousal (of man) below," consisting of the performance of a mitzvah or occupation in Torah in which the Supernal Will of the blessed Ein Sof is clothed.
[The revelation of Divine Will (i.e., the Will clothed in Torah and mitzvot) produces a fusion of the middot and a "sweetening" of Gevurot in whatever World the Torah and mitzvot ascend to].
But the main unity caused by Torah and mitzvot takes place far higher, in the World of Atzilut, where the core and essence of G-d's middot are united with their Emanator, the Ein Sof, blessed be He, and there is found the core and essence of the Supernal Will of the blessed Ein Sof, of which a mere glimmer radiates in Beriah, Yetzirah and Asiyah - in each of these Worlds according to its rank.
Now, although the soul of the person engaging in this Torah study or mitzvah does not stem from Atzilut, nevertheless he is able to effect unity in the middot of Atzilut because the Supernal Will, which is clothed in this mitzvah, and in the case of Torah it is not merely "clothed" in it, but furthermore - it is indeed the very halachah and Torah that he is studying, - this Supernal Will is G-dliness, and is the Ein Sof-light of the Emanator [of the Sefirot of Atzilut], since He and His Will are one; and this Supernal Will is actually the source of the middot, since it was by His Will that He emanated His middot, which are united with Himself.
Therefore, by means of the revelation of His Will caused by one's engaging in Torah or in a particular mitzvah, the middot fuse with each other, and the Gevurot are sweetened by Chassadim at this "hour of revealed, favorable Will."
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