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                         L'CHAIM - ISSUE # 859
                           Copyright (c) 2005
                 Lubavitch Youth Organization - L.Y.O.
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   Dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson N.E.
        February 25, 2005       Ki Sisa          16 Adar I, 5765

                            The Winter Cold

No, we're not talking about the weather in the Northern Hemisphere at
this time of year. We're talking about the illness. The winter cold.

We've all had them. Colds. The runny nose, the itchy eyes, the constant
sneezing, the stuffy head, the coughing, the lethargy - too run down to
do anything productive, not sick enough to be able to sleep all day.

Doctors tell us the average cold lasts about a week. And while we can do
some things to reduce the symptoms, make ourselves feel better, there's
nothing we can do to get rid of it fast.

That's because colds are caused by viruses and the only thing we have
that kills viruses (without really, really hurting us) is our own immune

So we have to wait until our immune system can identify which virus it
is. Then our immune system has to manufacture enough antibodies to
overwhelm the fast multiplying viruses.

Still, there are a few things we can do to reduce the chances of getting
a cold, if not prevent one.

Viruses are spread by contact. So preventive measures include frequent
washing of the hands. And exercise, which boosts the immune system. And
eating the right foods, which also help the immune system.

The soul can get a cold, too, if we think about it. It can get "run
down," not "sick" enough to "sleep" through life, but just
disinterested. We're spiritually cold and lethargic.

Our "head" is stuffed with the nonsense of the physical world, our
vision of reality - G-d's presence - is blurred - and we can't breathe
the air of pure, unadulterated, joyous Jewish life because our immune
system - the essential spark of G-dliness within each Jew, the pure,
uninfectable part of our soul - is manufacturing spiritual antibodies to
protect us.

Maybe we can't prevent spiritual colds - the illnesses that distract us
from our Divine mission of making the world a dwelling place for

But we can reduce the chances of getting a spiritual cold. And the
"prescription" is the same as for preventing a physical cold. When we're
most vulnerable, i.e., when we are less involved in acts of G-dliness
and more involved in making a living in the "cold world," we need to
"wash our hands more." We need to remove even the edge of infection and
impurity. Do we really need to listen to the news (for the tenth time)
on the drive home? Why not some Jewish music or educational tape?

We need to exercise - do mitzvot regularly to fortify our souls, so when
we do get cold symptoms, our "immune system" is prepared and ready to
fight. Exercise, to be effective, must be consistent and just beyond our
tolerance. ("No pain, no gain" actually comes from the Talmud.) A little
extra charity, an extra prayer, welcoming a guest - the mitzvot
strengthen the soul against the "winter cold."

And finally we need to eat right - kosher food, of course. Doctors tell
us diet may be the most important prevention - getting the right
nutrients and plenty of vitamins. Well, Torah is the "vitamin C" in the
battle against spiritual colds. Lots and lots of Torah classes, Jewish
books and websites - that's the prescription for the winter months (and
year round). Jewish learning guards against the spiritual infections
that fatigue us, wear us down, and divert us from enjoying life -
physically and spiritually.

This week, in the Torah portion of Ki Tisa, we learn about the sin of
the Golden Calf, which occurred after the Revelation of the Torah at
Mount Sinai. The Torah proceeds to relate what the atonement was, and
how the damage was corrected: by the giving of a "half shekel."

The Children of Israel had reached tremendous spiritual heights both
during their preparation for and after having  received the Torah. The
world was permeated with light, purity and holiness in a measure unknown
since before the time of Adam and Eve had eaten from the Tree of
Knowledge. And then, with one unfortunate act - the sin of the Golden
Calf, and its subsequent idol worship - the world was plunged into
spiritual darkness and impurity. This transgression affected not only
the Jews, but the entire world. Even today, after more than three
thousand years, the taint of this sin still remains, and will only be
removed by the coming of Moshiach.

However, G-d has given the Jews a way to atone for their great sin, and
that is by giving the "half shekel," to be donated towards the building
of the Tabernacle. The Midrash relates that when Moses heard this
commandment, he was astonished. How could a Jew find atonement for
himself in this way, by giving such a small sum? The Midrash continues
by explaining that G-d took a coin of fire from under His throne, showed
it to Moses and said, "They shall give one like this."

What kind of answer is this to Moses' bewilderment, and what is the
significance of "a coin of fire"? Why were they commanded to give only
half a shekel? Don't we find that the Torah always seeks to promote
wholeness and unity?

The answer to these questions lies in the nature of the commandment of
the "half shekel". A Jew is supposed to feel that alone he is
incomplete. His other half is G-d, who completes every Jew's existence
and makes him a whole being. Without the connection to G-d, a Jew can
only be half of his real self.

Not only must he seek out that other half, but the "coin" itself must be
made out of fire. Every Jew has within him a flame of love for G-d which
can never be extinguished. This core is the Jewish soul. The love toward
G-d needs only to be revealed. When a Jew ponders the fact that he is
incomplete without his Creator, he atones for the sin of the Golden
Calf. The sin of idolatry caused the Jews to be separated from their
Source; the commandment of the "half shekel" unites the Jew with his

                   Adapted from the works of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

                             SLICE OF LIFE
                  From One Passport to "Passport One"
                          by Rosa Katzenelson

From all the different definitions of art there is one that really
touches me. "Art is what brings down the defenses erected against good."

Artists are known for expressing the time that they live in. A Jewish
artist in our modern time can choose to devote himself or herself to
awakening the Jewish identity in his or her fellow Jews.

Just before a juried art show in 2003, I traveled to Argentina for a
brief visit to observe my father's first yartzeit (anniversary of
passing).  My Argentine passport was due to expire and I had to renew it
while in Argentina. My flight back home was scheduled for Sunday morning
and I was given an appointment to come pick it up on Saturday.

I told the woman in the passport office that I could not come on
Shabbat. She said she was sorry, she could not change that date, but if
I couldn't make it, I could send someone else. I did not want to proceed
with this option as I was not sure if this is permissible according to
Jewish Law.

In the time of my childhood in Argentina, a person would be afraid to
ask for a supervisor. But this was now and I tried to overcome my fear.
The supervisor was a virulent anti-Semite. When I said I wanted to pick
up my passport on Friday because I observe the Jewish Sabbath, he lost
his temper completely. He grew red in the face and couldn't stop
screaming. Everybody in the large passport office grew quiet and afraid.
He came around the desk and shouted right in my face, "You can't come
because you keep Shabbat? BECAUSE YOU KEEP SHABBAT?!?!? Believe me, you
are not going to keep this Shabbat. I will make sure you are not going
to keep this Shabbat."

I said, "I want to speak with your supervisor. I come from the United
States and I am used to religious freedom."

This infuriated him even more. He said he had no supervisor, that he was
the sole authority in that office. He swore he would see me break
Shabbat: "I will personally make sure that nobody else but me knows
where your passport is, that only you can pick it up and only on

Although Videla was in prison and Argentina had become much more free
and safe than in my childhood, I saw that anti-Semitism was far from

I called my husband and children who were expecting me back on Sunday. I
had made a calendar for them and they were filling in the days until I
would return. And here I suddenly did not know when I could come. If I
missed my Sunday morning flight, I would have to find another flight,
perhaps later I the week...

I had several people intercede on my behalf, to no avail. Finally on
Friday, two days before I was supposed to fly home to my husband and
children, I hired a lawyer to go down there. The lawyer demanded and
received (!) my passport, and thank G-d I was able to come home just as
the last square on that calendar was colored in by my little girls. I
felt it was a triumph for Shabbat, for Torah and for Judaism.

I arrived home on Monday morning. I rushed to get ready for the art show
that was taking place that same week. What a contrast: in America you
can enter a Jewish painting in an art show! And what a surprise: in this
country a Jewish painting can even win! From over more than 60
contestants, my painting of the Rebbe entitled "Passport One" was
awarded First Prize.

I felt that G-d had rewarded the courage I had shown with regard to my
own passport by letting me win the prize for this painting which is
based on the passport photo of the Lubavitcher Rebbe when he was a young

Do we appreciate how lucky we are to be living in the United States and
other free countries? The painting was obviously Jewish. And yet in this
country, not only do I proudly show this painting, but I win First Prize
for it.

One woman came three times to see Passport One. She explained that she
was not religious but that she could not stop looking at the painting.
"The picture of the Rebbe touches your Pintele Yid, your Jewish soul," I
told her. After that she went away and then came back with her 90
year-old father. The crowd around the painting continued throughout the
entire show.

To be accepted as a Jewish artist in the United States is a new kind of
challenge. Soon after the show, a collector came to visit my studio. She
wanted me to paint Tango pictures and told me that it would be very
lucrative. "A Jewish Tango?" I asked.

Clearly, I would make more money doing other types of paintings, but I
do not want my art to only be a means to make a living. I want to do
something good with my art, something for Judaism.

I thank my father, of blessed memory, for the impression he created in
our home by hanging a Jewish picture in our living room, an impression
from when I was a child that continues in me until today. My father was
the happiest person that I ever met, and I dedicated this article to

    Rosa Katzenelson can be reached at She
    lives and paints in New Jersey with her family.

                               WHAT'S NEW

In the Slice of Life column in L'Chaim issue 856 the following
postscript to the article The Best Advice the Rabbi Ever Gave by Rabbi
Chaim Mentz was erroneously omitted: Rabbi Chaim Mentz is the director
of Chabad of Bel Air.

                     Extreme Makeover: Soul Edition

Do your inner challenges stand in the way of the life you really want?
What if you had the keys to unlock your true potential? Come and
experience how Torah and Kabala can help you create a life of joy, power
and peace of mind at a weekend featuring Shimonah Tzukernik and  Rabbis
Yosef and Shalom Paltiel. The Shabbaton takes place Feb. 25-27, and is
hosted by the Lubavitch community in Brooklyn. Join Jewish couples,
singles and families as they experience an unforgettable, fulfilling and
stimulating Shabbaton weekend featuring thought-provoking lectures,
discussions and workshops - accompanied by delicious, traditional
cuisine, amidst the warmth of Chassidic family life, song & dance.To
register visit or call 718-774-6187.

                            THE REBBE WRITES
                        13 Tishrei, 5740 [1979]

Greeting and Blessing:

Because of the intervening High Holidays, my acknowledgment of your
letter of Sept. 19th has been somewhat delayed.

Of course you have my permission to disseminate my letter, if it can
serve a useful purpose in promoting the cause of education in general,
and of the "special children" in particular. Indeed, since every child
is special and deserves special attention, how much more so those who
are "slower" than others.

However, if the letter is to be disseminated, an important reservation
must be added, which though self evident to a person like yourself may
not be self evident to others, and therefore must be clearly stated to
them, hence was not mentioned in my letter to you.

It is that in all that has been said in regard to Jewish children - it
is first necessary to clarify the requirement of the Halacha [Jewish
law] in regards these children - depending on their age and their level
of comprehension to make sure that the facilities meet these
requirements in terms of Kashrus, Shabbos, Teffilin, etc.

To add a timely note a propos of the new year, which is a "seventh Year,
a Year of Shemittah" (Sabbatical Year), and also began on the day of the
holy Sabbath, the main characteristic of the Sabbath day is that it is a
day of "delight" (Oneg) for young and old, as it is written, "You shall
call the Sabbath a delight," which, by extension, also characterizes the
entire New Year.

Hence, if there are children and adults who, for whatever reason, are in
a situation which precludes them from enjoying the "Sabbath" delight, it
behooves anyone who becomes aware of this to do everything possible to
enable them to participate in this delightful experience. The fact that
the knowledge of the existing situation has reached certain
organizations and individuals - and everything is by Divine Providence,
is a further indication that they are in a position to act on this
knowledge. Should there be any difficulties, even real ones and not
exaggerated or imagined, it only means that they have been commensurate
capacities to overcome them. For as with all Divine commandments, the
obligation is given together with the capacity to carry it out.

Thus, in the final analysis, it is largely a matter of personal will and

With esteem and blessing of Chag Someich [Happy holiday]

                                *  *  *

                    13th of Marcheshvan 5729 [1968]

Greeting and Blessing:

I duly received your letter of October 27th, and was pleased to read
about the inspirational way in which you spent the festivals.

I was also gratified to note that there has been an improvement in
business matters, and although you write that the improvement has been
slow, the important thing is that it is moving in the right direction.
May G-d grant that in this new year the Parnosso [livelihood] should
steadily and substantially continue to improve, until you will be
blessed with ample sustenance - "From His full, open, sacred and ample

You conclude you letter with a notation that you have exhausted all the
news. However, it is surprising that you omit one of the most essential
items of good news, namely the satisfactory progress of you children in
their studies and daily conduct, especially as I now have a primary
responsibility, at least in regard to your son, whom you enrolled in the
Lubavitch School.  Consequently, my interest is even greater now that it
was formerly.

Hoping to hear further good news from you in regard to all matters of

With blessing,

                            RAMBAM THIS WEEK
18 Adar I, 5765 - February 27, 2005

Prohibition 72: Priests and Levites are prohibited from carrying out
each other's service

This mitzva is based on the verse (Num. 18:3) "They shall not approach
so that they shall not die, neither they nor you"

Both Priests and Levites serve in the Holy Temple. There are specific
duties that are entrusted to the priests and other duties entrusted to
the Levites. The priests are forbidden from doing any service assigned
to the Levites; and likewise the Levites are forbidden from doing any
service assigned to the priests.

                                *  *  *

Leviticus 21:8 You shall sanctify him...he shall be holy to you"

Mr. White and Mr. Lawrence are neighbors.

They both take an early bus to work every day.

They spend their day at their jobs and often arrive home at the same

Mr. White works in a department store while Mr. Lawrence works for the
State Department.

Because Mr. Lawrence has such an important job, people treat him with
extra respect.

The priests carry out the service of HaShem in the Beit HaMikdash.

Therefore, we are commanded to regard them in a special way and treat
them with honor and respect.

                                *  *  *

Positive Mitzvah 36: Rotating the service in the Beit HaMikdash

Deuteronomy 18:7-8 "Then, he shall serve in the name of the L-rd, his
G-d as all his brothers, the Levites, do...They shall have like portions

Ari is in third grade. He likes school and finds many of class
activities fun and enjoyable.

There are many projects and displays in his classroom that must be cared

The weather chart has to be arranged daily, the gold fish have to be
fed, the plants watered, books passed out, stars stuck on bulletins and
much more.

In order to take care of all these projects, Ari's teacher appoints
monitors. All the pupils take turns doing the different activities and
in this way everyone gets a chance.

The priests and Levites represent the Jewish people, carrying out the
service of HaShem in the Beit HaMikdash.

This is a great honor and privilege.

They are commanded to make sure that all priests and Levites have equal
opportunities to serve in the Beit HaMikdash.

The priests and Levites were divided into twenty-four groups and
organized in work shifts which rotated weekly.

                        A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR
                         Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman
In this week's Haftorah, we read about Elijah the Prophet and his famous
confrontation with the prophets of Baal. Elijah addressed the Jewish
nation and said, "How long will you waver between the two? If G-d is
truly G-d, then follow Him, and if it is Baal, then go after him."

Elijah told the Jewish People: your inability to choose between the two
alternatives is the worst possible spiritual path, even worse than
choosing outright idolatry.

How can anything be worse than idolatry - ascribing G-dly powers to an
object? Is it not better to reach some sort of compromise, to maintain a
belief in G-d, but to nevertheless incorporate some elements of
paganism? Why did Elijah say that it is preferable, G-d forbid, to
actually worship idols?

When a person worships an idol, be it one made of stone, or the planets
and stars in the sky, he thinks that by placating these objects he will
receive more blessings in his life. This, then, is the difference
between a true idolator and a Jew who straddles the fence, never making
a clear choice between idolatry and worship of the One, true G-d.

An idol worshipper may one day arrive at the conclusion that idolatry is
wrong and return wholeheartedly to G-d, after having admitted his error.
But it is far more difficult for a person who is "straddling the fence"
to realize the error of his ways and see that he is committing a sin.

A person who vacillates is also more detrimental to those around him. An
idol worshipper is more easily avoided, and not likely to lead others
astray, who could be deceived by outward appearances.

Elijah's message holds true for us today. It is far easier to avoid
obvious pitfalls in spiritual matters than to stand on guard against
finer, less conspicuous compromises. But it is these finer points which
ultimately define our intellectual honesty and our faith.

                          THOUGHTS THAT COUNT
And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and I will show mercy
to whom I will show mercy (Ex. 33:19)

The way an individual acts towards others is the way he himself will be
treated by Heaven. If one is merciful to his fellow man, and behaves in
a good and kind manner, G-d will be merciful towards him, even if he is
really not deserving. "And I will be gracious to whom I will be
gracious" - G-d will act accordingly to the person who always says "I
will be gracious," and will be merciful to the person who always says "I
will be merciful."

                                                   (Razin D'Oraita)

                                *  *  *

This shall they give, every one that passes among those who are numbered
(Ex. 30:13)

The commentator Rashi explains: G-d showed Moses a coin of fire and
said, "Like this shall they give," to teach us that when a person gives
charity he should do it with fiery enthusiasm.

                                                   (Sefer HaDarush)

                                *  *  *

G-d showed Moses a "coin of fire" to show the similarity that exists
between money and the phenomenon of fire. Fire is a vital element
without which the world could not survive, but it is also capable of
great destruction. So, too, are the characteristics of wealth. When a
person utilizes his money in the proper way, it brings great benefit to
many, but when it is used improperly terrible damage may be inflicted.

                                *  *  *

They shall give, every man, a ransom for his soul to G-d (Ex. 30:12)

The Hebrew word for "they shall give" - "venatnu," is spelled the same
from left to right or right to left. This teaches us that when a person
gives charity, he should not worry that he will suffer any lack, for the
goodness he sows will be returned to him as in return.

                            IT ONCE HAPPENED
Reb Mendel had just visited the Baal Shem Tov, and had stopped in the
town of Zolochov. His visit was no accident, though, for he had been
asked by the Baal Shem Tov to pass through the town and convey his warm
regards to Reb Michel, the water carrier of the town. Reb Mendel was
honored to perform this favor for the Besht, and was himself very
anxious to meet this man who was most certainly one of the hidden saints
and mystics - members of the Baal Shem Tov's circle of followers.

He entered the town and immediately stopped one of the residents and
asked for directions to the home of Reb Michel. Following along the main
road, he turned and turned again through the winding alleys until he had
left the more prosperous looking streets, and found himself in the
poorest section of the town. Here the houses were no more than toppling
huts which barely could withstand the elements. Reb Mendel again
inquired after the water carrier, and was directed to one shack which
stood amongst this sad lot.

He approached the door and knocked, and a women appeared at the door.
Reb Mendel lost no time in relaying the message: "I have come to give
regards to your husband from the Baal Shem Tov from whom I have just

A bright smile flashed across the woman's features, and she replied, "My
husband is not at home right now, but I expect him to return shortly. If
you wish, please come in and sit down." Reb Mendel carefully entered the
dark recesses of the hut and located a shaky chair on which he lightly

As his eyes grew accustomed to the darkness, he was able to make out his
surroundings. The shabbiness and poverty of the dwelling were all too
apparent. The wooden walls were peeling and split and many of the window
panes were cracked. The furniture was sparse and what there was was
literally on its last leg. Small children, unaware of their ragged
appearance, scurried happily about playing their games, occasionally
casting a furtive smile at their guest.

He had no more time to study the room because in walked his host, Reb
Michel, exclaiming with joy, "Shalom Aleichem! How happy I am to receive
greetings from the Baal Shem Tov! My wife, you must prepare a festive
meal in honor of our esteemed guest. Why, it's quite an occasion when we
receive regards from the Tzadik [righteous one]."

His wife hurried to a corner of the room and prepared a modest repast
while the two men chatted about the situation in the court of the Baal
Shem Tov. Finally she reappeared with two small plates, each one bearing
a small portion of fish and a slice of bread. Reb Mendel made the
blessing on the bread and ate together with his host, and soon, the
woman returned with steaming cups of tea. She offered Reb Mendel a sugar
cube to sweeten the beverage, and he was about to slip it between his
teeth, as was the custom, when he heard the children whispering: "Surely
he will save some of the sugar for us. After all, it's bad manners to
eat up everything. And won't that sugar be a great treat!"

Reb Mendel put down the sugar and sat without drinking, seemingly
absorbed in his own thoughts. "What is wrong, my dear friend? Why don't
you drink?" asked Reb Michel with great concern.

"Forgive me, but I cannot help feeling great pity for you and you
family. How difficult it must be to have to endure such terrible
poverty," Reb Mendel replied.

"Before you reach that conclusion, please let me explain our situation
to you using a parable. Once, there was a rich man who planned a wedding
for his only daughter. It was to be the most sumptuous and elegant
occasion which the town had seen in years. All of the townspeople were
invited, and the town's paupers, especially, were counting the days
until the great feast would be served. Finally the great day of
celebration arrived, and the town's poor gathered in huge numbers to
enjoy themselves at the celebration.

"Suddenly, just as the bride was being led to the wedding canpoy she
collapsed in a faint. The panic-stricken family surrounded the girl and
tried to bring her to. The town's doctors were summoned to help, but
alas, no one could revive her. The shaken wedding guests were at a loss
for what to do and they began to leave in small groups. Only the
paupers, who had anticipated the wedding with such longing sat down to
partake of the feast. The tragedy of their host did not dampen their
spirit, 'After all,' they said, 'the food is all prepared; why shouldn't
we enjoy ourselves and eat it?' One of the paupers, though was a more
sensitive soul, and he couldn't bring himself to even look at the food,
so deeply did he identify with his host's pain."

"My wife and I are like the sensitive pauper in the story. And the
wedding is meant to represent the Holy Temple where the guests, that is,
the Jewish people used to gather to rejoice with their host, the Holy
One, Blessed Be He. We, the sensitive guest,  are so anguished by G-d's
tragedy, the destruction of the Holy Temple, that we cannot bring
ourselves to enjoy the offerings of this world. So, my friend, we
refrain from feasting at our host's table, knowing how much He is
suffering because of the pain of His children in the long and bitter
exile. In this world we make do with the minimum, but we are waiting to
rejoice together with Him in the Eternal Holy Temple."

                            MOSHIACH MATTERS
The Shpoler Zeide once prayed: "L-rd! Your people say to You, 'Return
us, O G-d, to You, and we will return!' You say, 'Return to Me, and I
will return to you.' And because of this deadlock You withhold the
Redemption. I swear that Israel will not repent before the Redemption!"
His student, Rabbi Yisrael of Ruzhin added: "I agree, but one thing I
can promise. When Moshiach comes the Jews will certainly repent, but
until then they have a justifiable claim. For we say in our festival
prayers, 'Because - mipnei - of our sins we were exiled from our Land.'
But 'mipnei' really means 'before.' Even before we sinned exile was
decreed upon us for when You made Your covenant with Abraham You decreed
exile on his descendants. Thus, just as You decreed exile upon Your
children before they sinned, so should You redeem them before they

                END OF TEXT - L'CHAIM 859 - Ki Sisa 5765

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