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                         L'CHAIM - ISSUE # 982
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   Dedicated to the memory of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka Schneerson N.E.
        August 10, 2007          Re'eh               26 Av, 5767

                           Our Best Customer

Syms, a clothing chain with stores from the East Coast to the Mid-West,
has an interesting motto: "An educated consumer is our best customer."
Newspaper and radio ads proudly proclaim the store's motto, as do the
name tags of cashiers and salespeople - known as "educators."

When you're shopping in Syms, or any store for that matter, if you're
knowledgeable - you know brand names, what comprises good quality, what
is a "good price" - you're more likely to be able to make an excellent
choice than if you come in without any prior information.

For some, shopping - whether it includes an obsession with finding
"bargains" or just a delight in filling one's closets and home with
beautiful possessions - is almost a full-time pursuit. For others, it is
a hobby, while for still others it is pure drudgery - only to be done
when absolutely necessary.

And yet, no matter in which category you place yourself, an educated
consumer is still the best customer.

All of the above can be said about Judaism. Though, of course, we are
not advocating here "shopping around," yet, in order to be a truly
educated consumer of Judaism, one must be properly educated.

When is the proper time to become a full-fledged "Educated Jewish
Consumer?" In the typical Jewish fashion, let's answer a question with a
question. "When do you start shopping for a child? Certainly not when
the child is already five or ten, after all, what would the child wear
for its first years? Most parents start preparing for the imminent
arrival of their children even before the child is born - looking at
cribs, considering strollers, moseying into the children's department -
sometimes even as soon as they find out that they'll be adding a bundle
of joy to their family.

And that's when a child's Jewish education should start. Even before
it's born, with the parents concerning themselves with the environment
and atmosphere in which he or she will be raised, playmates the child
will have, opportunities for Jewish education, Jewish experiences,
Jewish celebrations.

What about those of us who are children in matters of Jewish education?

When and how do we start becoming an educated consumer? Maybe it's best
to consider a Jewish shopping spree. First, go through all your closets,
all those nooks and crannies of preconceived notions and narrowness and
throw out stuff that's "unfashionable" in the Jewish sense. Then, you're
ready to shop around, first for an "educator" - a friend or mentor who
will be open, honest and patient with you as you will be with him/her.
Let the educator lead the way in your shopping spree, understanding full
well that he/she has more expertise in these matters. Lastly, be willing
to make just as much of an investment in your new Jewish wardrobe and
decor as you did previously in other aspects of your life.

Don't forget to let your friends know when you come upon any great
bargains. They'll appreciate it and so will you.

On this Shabbat we bless the new month of Elul, a particularly
auspicious month that possesses a unique dimension. For during this
month, G-d is especially close to us and we are granted an extraordinary
capacity for teshuva - "return."

As every Torah portion has particular relevance for the time of year in
which it is read, let us examine the connection between the month of
Elul and the Torah portion which we read this Shabbat.

Our portion begins with the words, "See! This day I give to you a
blessing and a curse." Every word in this verse contains an allusion to
the special nature of the service of the month of Elul, and the Divine
assistance we are given to fulfill it.

"See!": The first thing a Jew must do is to open his eyes. Our sense of
sight affords a much more definitive verification of facts than does our
sense of hearing; when a person sees something with his own eyes he
cannot be dissuaded. A Jew's G-dly service must be performed with this
same level of absolute confidence and conviction.

But how are we, mere human beings living in a physical world, supposed
to attain this level? G-d provides the answer in the next word of the

"I" ("Anochi"): The word "Anochi" relates to the Essence of G-d, an
aspect of G-dliness that is higher than Names. The reason we are able to
achieve these lofty spiritual heights is because the power to do so is
derived from this highest of Sources. The Torah continues:

"Give": G-d gives us this Divine assistance according to the principle
of "He who gives, gives generously"; His gifts are bestowed willingly
and in great abundance.

"To you" ("Lifneichem"): This word is related to the Hebrew word
"penimiyut," meaning "inside" and "within." The special boost we receive
from G-d during Elul is not superficial, but involves the sum and
substance of the Jew and enables him to connect with G-d on the deepest

"This day": Lest anyone think that this Divine assistance is granted
only once, the Torah tells us that G-d's help is ongoing, enabling us to
serve G-d with renewed strength every day of the month.

And how are we to properly utilize this added dimension in our service?

"A blessing and a curse": This refers to the observance of the Torah's
positive commandments and the avoidance of its prohibitions.

Directing our added capacity for returning to our source in these two
directions will result in a good and sweet new year and a favorable
inscription in the Book of Life.

                   Adapted from Likutei Sichot of the Rebbe, Vol. 2

                             SLICE OF LIFE
                         Thank You Camp Emunah
                             by Jill Lerner

When I sent Chana to camp this summer, I did so with great trepidation.
After all, she had a horrific year at school and was known as a very
hard-tohandle child. Why would she be any different at camp? I was
direct and forthright with the camp as I explained Chana's history and
experiences over the past few years. The director listened patiently and
told me to have the school's principal and Chana's teachers call her
before she would permit Chana to enter the camp.

A week passed, then two, then three. No one called. After a month, I
tentatively called the camp director, knowing that her requirement went
unfulfilled. I told her that I knew no one called, and no one was likely
to call, probably because they had nothing good to say. I apologized for
taking up her time, and said I understood that, because I could not
persuade the school personnel to call, Chana could not be admitted to

At this point I dreaded disappointing Chana again, as her self-esteem
was at an all-time low due to the school situation and the effect the
constant negativity was having in our home. Though I believed Chana to
be an intelligent, inherently good girl with a sweet nature, whatever
was going on at school was devastating. I was told repeatedly that Chana
was disruptive, uncooperative, and downright chutzpadik. Sadly, I fell
into the trap of reiterating the school's rhetoric at home, causing a
severe strain in my relationship with my only child.

Amazingly, the camp director said she would accept Chana, anyway! I
could not believe it when her words came over the phone. This person was
willing to give Chana the chance she wanted so much. I was overjoyed!
Chana was ecstatic! Chana assured me that she would succeed in camp and
behave just fine. I hoped she was right.

Trying to be upbeat, I drove Chana to the camp. The atmosphere there was
charged with excitement and anticipation. The energy of the surroundings
of opening day allowed me to forget for a moment my pessimistic
viewpoint. Chana, on the other hand, wanted to jump right into the
commotion! She and I had just begun opening her duffle bags when she saw
some girls jumping on a trampoline outside the bunkhouse, and ran right
over to join the fun. I was awed that Chana was already eagerly
participating in activities. This reassurance, though beneficial, was
barely an inkling of what was to come.

Back home, I found myself jumping every time the telephone rang. Over
the past school year I had been called to pick Chana up immediately
several times in the middle of the day because she would have a tantrum.
By the time I would arrive, Chana would be perfectly calm and back in
class. This history set the stage for being a nervous wreck at each ring
of the telephone. I thought, if it happened at school, why would it not
happen at camp?

I suppose I should have known that things were quite different at camp.
After all, the academic stressors were absent, the schedule more
relaxed, the environment peaceful. But the real difference was the way
the camp was run, and by whom. Sure, the counselors were young and some
rather inexperienced. This could present a problem if it were not for
the outstanding adults who truly were in control every step of the way.
I briefly spoke to Chana's counselors before departing, and they seemed
appropriately concerned yet capable of handling whatever might arise.

On my way out, I stopped to see the camp nurse to drop off Chana's
medical form. I had no idea at the time what a remarkable woman the
nurse is; she even gave me her phone number, telling me that I was
welcome (yes, welcome!) to call to hear how Chana was doing. I drove off
feeling secure in the knowledge that the staff seemed capable of dealing
with the campers whoever they were and with whatever issues may arise.
Undeniably, my initial impressions were quite positive.

A day passed with no phone calls from the camp. I was cautiously happy.
The next day I called the nurse, who informed me that Chana appeared
happy and content. I continued to call every day for the first week, and
received only good reports. "What was happening?" I thought. Once the
nurse said that Chana seems to not only be adjusting but thriving!
Surely the nurse was not talking about my child! Where did the trouble
go? Where was the anguish? The call to pick her up immediately? Could
the camp be oblivious to Chana's tantrums?

No, there was no trouble, or anguish, or tantrums. No, I did not need to
pick her up immediately. Yes, she was doing just fine.

My gratitude to G-d knew no bounds. I truly felt as though I was
witnessing a miracle. Though there was no explanation, the changes were
real and steady as concrete. When Chana finally called, it was not with
the predicted misery or request to come home, but to tell me she had
been selected as "Camper of the Week" and "Tznius Queen"! Was this the
same "disruptive" child of just a few short weeks earlier?

On visiting day I joyfully entered the campgrounds! After spending a
lovely day with Chana and witnessing first-hand the happy, contented,
enthusiastic child I had been hearing about, I got to meet the directors
to whom I wished to express my utmost thanks for the superb job they
were doing. I needed to inform them of the metamorphosis that was taking
place in their midst. When one director heard my story, she actually
expressed gratefulness for having been able to be a part of this
wonderful occasion.

Thankfully, the camp personnel possess the ability to see the individual
child with her strengths and needs and work with her on her level to
achieve a spectacular end result.

This summer has been a life changing, eyeopening event for both my
daughter and me. I hope that Chana, burgeoned by the summer success,
will continue to make strides with pride and understanding of her innate
goodness and self-worth. I, as her parent, must see to it that she is
provided with the elements she needs to grow up healthy in mind and
body. The lessons I learned from my daughter's camp experience have been
truly empowering. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Camp Emunah, for
setting us on the right path.

                               WHAT'S NEW
                    Healthy In Body, Mind and Spirit

A guide to good health based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.
A wide-ranging collection of letters and talks on maintaining mental
well-being. Among the topics are mental health, conquering anxiety,
healing through meditation and more. Benefit from the wealth of the
Rebbes wisdom on this ever important topic. Translated by Rabbi Sholom
B. Wineberg, published by Sichos in English

                            THE REBBE WRITES
                     continued from previous issue

All the above, as mentioned earlier, applies equally to the "eternal
edifice" of marriage:

For with regard to our nation, the Jewish People, one need not search
long and hard in order to know what are its true foundations,
foundations that enable it to exist as an "eternal edifice," both with
regard to the nation as a whole as well as to its individual members.

Furthermore, the Jewish people are rich in experiences of individuals
who throughout the generations experimented with different lifestyles -
and here too, the spectrum ranges from one extreme to the other.

When one peruses the history of the Jewish people, and surely if one
does not satisfy himself with mere perusal but contemplates the matter
properly, one reaches the following inescapable conclusion:

Whenever Jews throughout history, from the time of Sinai until the
present, strayed from the tried and true path of Torah and mitzvos
(commandments), one of the following two things happened after a short
period of time:

Either they returned to their roots and their Jewish path of life - the
path of the "Torah of Life" - ... or if they continued living not in
accordance with the Torah and its mitzvos, they ultimately were
assimilated and absorbed within the gentile nations....

May it be G-d's will that the marriage of your daughter take place in a
good and auspicious hour in all details and aspects, and may they build
their house in Israel on the foundations of Torah and mitzvos - an
everlasting edifice, blessed simultaneously both materially and

From a letter written in 1963

It has come to my attention that a number of suggestions had been made
to you with regard to a shidduch, but for any number of reasons you
rejected them all.

Quite understandably, one cannot comment from a distance with regard to
a particular suggestion, but I take the liberty of making the following
general remarks:

Marriage is the most important event in the life of a man or woman; it
leaves an indelible imprint on one's entire life. Consequently, such a
decision requires considerable deliberation and cannot be done in haste.

Nonetheless, regarding all events that transpire in a person's life, be
they large or small, it is impossible to take into account all the
eventual particulars and details, each and every possible permutation.

After all, a human being is extremely limited; it is impossible for him
to conceptualize all the eventualities of each and every aspect and
detail and their possible consequences.

Thus, to a certain extent, it is necessary for a person to utilize his
faith and trust in G-d, that He will see the matter through in a goodly
manner in all its many details.

The same is so with regard to a shidduch: It is literally impossible to
find something entirely perfect, and it is impossible to calculate how
matters will come to pass to their absolute finality. If the most
important matters are in order, then quite often it is proper to
overlook minor matters that don't seem to be in order. This is
especially so, since one may only be imagining that they are not in
order, when in truth they are quite fine as well.

... In general, with regard to a shidduch, emphasis should be placed on
that which is most crucial - that it be in harmony with the verse, "A
woman who fears G-d, she is to be praised." We are not to occupy
ourselves with "signs" and omens, such as those about which you write.

The primary channel and vessel for receiving Divine blessing is through
conducting oneself on a daily basis in consonance with the directives of
our Torah, the "Torah of Life," and by performing its commandments,
concerning which the verse states, "you shall live by them."

          From Eternal Joy, translated by Rabbi Sholom B. Wineberg,
                                     published by Sichos in English

           Why do we stand during the "Shemona Esrei" prayer?

The Shemona Esrei (also known as Amida - or "standing") is said while
standing because in the times of the Temple the priest stood while
performing the service. Also, standing serves to differentiate people
from animals. When saying the Shemona Esrei with the proper
concentration, we hope to appear before G-d like angels. Therefore, we
stand with both feet together, as if we have only one foot, because the
angels are described as appearing onelegged.

                        A WORD FROM THE DIRECTOR
                         Rabbi Shmuel M. Butman
In Isaiah's prophetic descriptions about what life will be like in the
Messianic Era, the prophet describes what changes will take place in the
animal kingdom: "The wolf will live with the sheep and the leopard with
a goat."

How, then, will the wild beasts nourish themselves in the Messianic Era
if they don't prey on tame animals?

We find the answer in Isaiah's very next statement: "The lion, like
cattle, will eat straw." The lion and leopard will eat grass and hay,
just like the cow and sheep!

We see then, that in the animal kingdom, the changes will not be in
behavior alone, but that the actual nature of the wild animals will
change and they will no longer be predators. They will become tame and

Maimonides comments that Isaiah's words are allegorical and mean that
the Jews, commonly associated with sheep, will dwell peacefully with
their enemies. In this spirit, Maimonides states, "Don't let it enter
your mind that in the Messianic Era anything from the regular way of the
world will stop, or that there will be any changes in the creation, but
the world will continue according to its nature."

However, in a letter to the Jews of Yemen, Maimonides adds that since
G-d did not declare that these words are allegorical, they could come
into being exactly as Isaiah prophesied.

How can we bring these two diverse opinions together? According to our
Sages, a wolf and a leopard living peacefully with a lamb and a goat are
not really a miraculous change in nature. Rather, it is going "back to
Eden" - back to life as it was in the Garden of Eden before Adam's and
Eve's sin!

When creating the world, G-d created animals in pairs, one male and one
female of each kind. Had animals been predatory when first created, some
species would have been wiped out entirely! It was only after the Sin of
the Tree of Knowledge, when evil came into the world, that animal nature
changed and some animals became predatory. In the Messianic Era, we will
live in a true Garden of Eden, as the world was and was always meant to

May each one of us use our G-d-given talents to hasten the advent of
that fulfilling, unique and eternal era, NOW.

                          THOUGHTS THAT COUNT
"Whoever occupies himself with [the study of] Torah for its own sake...
others derive from him the benefit of counsel (Ethics 6:1)

This refers to the ability to advise others in worldly matters. The
study of Torah will develop a person's powers of understanding to the
extent that he will appreciate the proper course of action in worldly
matters as well. Thus on one hand, a person who devotes himself to Torah
will be above all worldly pursuits. Simultaneously, however, he will
find success for himself and others even on the worldly plane.

                                       (Likkutei Sichot, Vol. XVII)

                                *  *  *

Each and every day a Heavenly Voice goes forth from Mount Choreb (6:2)

Our souls exist on several planes simultaneously. This Heavenly Voice
reverberates, and is "heard" by our souls as they exist in the spiritual
realms. And this causes our souls as they are enclothed within our
bodies to be aroused to teshuva - return.

                                         (Likkutei Sichot, Vol. IX)

                                *  *  *

Children are pleasing for the righteous and pleasing for the world (6:8)

In an extended sense, the term "children" refers to one's students - in
many ways the ultimate influence on one's environment. For through
students (who themselves become teachers), the truths one shares become
ingrained both in the present and in the future.

                            (Sichot Shabbat Parshat Bamidbar, 5740)

                                *  *  *

All that the Holy One, blessed be He, created in His world, He created
solely for His glory (6:11)

Moreover, to express G-dliness is not merely one of the purposes served
by these entities; it is the sole reason for their existence. Therefore
a person should not shy away from worldly involvement. On the contrary,
in whatever he does and wherever he finds himself, he should seek to
find a means of honoring Gd. For example, new developments in technology
and communications need not be ignored, or used only for commercial
enterprise. The real purpose of their existence is that they be employed
to express G-d's honor.

       (Sichot Shabbat Parshat Nitzavim, 5728; Parshas Balak, 5741)

                            IT ONCE HAPPENED
After the passing of his mother Devorah Leah, Menachem Mendel, who was
to become the third Lubavitcher Rebbe, known as the Tzemach Tzedek, was
raised by his grandfather, Rabbi Shneur Zalman. They formed a special
bond, a relationship so strong that it was able to extend even beyond
the bounds of space and time. For even after his passing, Rabbi Shneur
Zalman revealed himself to his grandson in order to help him resolve
certain difficult problems in halacha or other aspects of Torah study.

This phenonmenon occurred so regularly that the Tzemach Tzedek came to
expect his grandfather to appear to him whenever he had the need of his
guidance. Once, he was dealing with a difficult and perplexing problem
and he had a strong desire for the help of his grandfather. Whereas
usually Rabbi Shneur Zalman would be revealed to him, this time, try as
he may, his grandfather failed to come. Several days passed and the
Tzemach Tzedek again tried to reach Rabbi Shneur Zalman. He davened and
meditated in the prescribed manner, but he was not rewarded with
success. When, after waiting for a few days he failed to perceive the
spirit of his grandfather, the Tzemach Tzedek attempted to bring down
the holy soul by means of various Kabbalistic methods. When even these
strenuous efforts failed and he was deeply disappointed, he couldn't
understand why the Shneur Zalman would not appear to him anymore.

One day, soon after these events, the Tzemach Tzedek went to the
synagogue in Lubavitch to daven shacharis. He took his talit and placed
it over his head in preparation for Shacharis. Suddenly, in rushed the
butcher of the town. He ran over to the Tzemach Tzedek and said: "Please
forgive me for interrupting you, but you know, this is market day and
all the local farmers have brought their livestock into town to sell.
Since many of my customers have not yet paid me, I don't have any money
to buy animals, and unless I can buy them now, I won't have any
livelihood this week, and the townspeople won't have any meat. Please,
lend me the money just for one week, and I'll be able to repay you on
the next market day."

The Tzemach Tzedek looked up at the butcher, "My friend, please don't
worry. Of course, you know I trust you completely, and I would be very
happy to lend you whatever you need. But, you see, I have already put on
my talis and begun my preparations for the morning prayer. I would like
to finish my prayers, and then when I am done in two or three hours, I
will go right home and get the money for you."

The butcher was relieved, but at the same time he was also disappointed,
for the market was in full swing now, and who knew what kind of animals
would be left when the Tzemach Tzedek finished his prayers in a couple
of hours. Still, the butcher had no choice, so he thanked the Tzemach
Tzedek, and made his way home, intending to return to the shul after the
morning service.

The Tzemach Tzedek was about to wrap himself in the voluminous folds of
his talit, when he suddenly realized what a mistake he had made. Why,
how could the butcher wait several hours to purchase his animals! In
that space of time it was possible that all the choice cows and sheep
would be bought already and he would have lost his livelihood for an
entire week. He quickly took off his talit and lay it on the table. Then
he rushed out of the shul and headed for his house. His amazed household
looked on as he wordlesly ran through the door, took his purse and
losing no time, left again. He quickly made his way to the home of the
butcher. The butcher was surprised to see the Rabbi standing at his
door, money in hand. The man happily rushed out to the market and was
able to complete all of his business successfully, purchasing good
quality animals to supply the town of Lubavitch with meat. The Tzemach
Tzedek returned to shul ready to daven with an easy heart, happy in the
knowledge that he had helped the butcher in that crucial hour.

The Tzemach Tzedek picked up his talit, intending to resume where he had
left off, when he suddenly perceived quite near him, the spirit of his
grandfather, Rabbi Shneur Zalman. Rabbi Shneur Zalman spoke to him,
saying, "My son, know that the mitzva (commandment) which you just
performed by helping a fellow Jew is even greater than your most
elevated prayers. In the Upper Worlds as well as in the Lower Worlds the
mitzva of love of one's fellow Jew is precious." In the merit of this
great mitzva the Tzemach Tzedek was again graced by his grandfather's
spiritual presence.

The Tzemach Tzedek once told his son, Reb Shmuel (known as the Rebbe
Maharash), this story and concluded: For helping someone in his
livelihood, even to earn just 70 kopeks on a calf, all the gates to
Heaven are open for him." Years later, the Rebbe Maharash told this to
his son, the Rebbe Rashab and added, "One really should know the
specific route to Heaven, but actually it is not crucial. You only need
the main thing - to help another wholeheartedly with sensitivity, to
take pleasure in doing a kindness to another."

                            MOSHIACH MATTERS
The Sages and the prophets did not long for the Messianic era so that
they may rule over the whole world or dominate the heathens, nor to be
exalted by the nations, nor in order that they may eat, drink and be
merry; but only to be free [for involvement] with the Torah and its
wisdom, without anyone to oppress and disturb them, so that they may
merit the life of the World-to-Come, as we explained in the Laws of

                        (Mishna Torah of Maimonides, Laws of Kings)

                 END OF TEXT - L'CHAIM 982 - Re'eh 5767

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